Sunday 27 December 2015

Jimmy : )

We all have at least one prominent and if not entirely so, somewhat influential person in our circle. Here I have many well-liked, well-connected and well-engaged friends. @Hampton @maryltabor @RDBrooks @Lisaner@sloanranger @rsrdiall @natsaninja @ThoughtsOnPaper @lkrice @AngelOfDarkness_X @StandingBear @rosaimee @barry205 @OwainGlyn @Zoies2 @CaraMel23 @JoeCottonwood @alexpaul-creations @seasofme @iwillian @cora-2 to name a few.
Humor : ) ...
But outside of Wattpad I also have my prominent friend, Jimmy. Jimmy and I go way back to high school. Very popular, liked by many and easily the most popular person I know personally.
Jimmy visited New York City for three days a few years ago, his first time. While standing across from what's now #TheCornerBooth in the airport lobby waiting for his ride, a pay phone started ranging several rows over from where he stood. Jimmy found it strange that the pay phone was ringing. Everyone found it strange that the pay phone was ringing, very strange that one was even there. He scanned the area. Still ringing. No one is picking up. Jimmy walked fifty feet or so across the lobby, past over 100 people.
Picked up the phone.
It was his call : )
- Thomas - © April 21, 2015

1 comment:

Tuệ Lâm said...

Bề mặtảng giá sàn gỗ công nghiệp Kronopolvietnam được tính cấp độ chất lượng theo tiêu chuẩn AC (Abrasion Class) đây là chỉ số chống mài mòn trên bề mặt ván sàn. Tiêu chuẩn này càng cao thì bề mặt sàn gỗ càng tốt, khả năng chống chịu những tác động tốt hơn.

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